1106: Fire commissioner
1106 - Fire Commissioner
The Fire Commissioners are responsible for running the department, approving new vehicles and operational procedures, caring for the welfare of the department and filling in vacant positions within the department structure. They fulfill the role of the Fire Chief when one is not available. Their policy is here.
Responsibilities include:
Responding to major situations that have heavily impacted the department's jurisdiction.
Implementation of Department programs and policies.
Ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of the department.
Ensuring the wellbeing of department members.
Evaluating the status and readiness of the department.
Supervising the activities of all Department Command staff.
Creating new policies for the department.
Investigate reports against department command and supervisors.
Investigate incidents involving department command members where injury, death, or property damage has occurred.
Administer command staff conduct.
Liaison with community staff team and represent the department on a community level.
Staff capabilities:
Issue warnings.
Issue suspensions.
Fire individual characters.
Issue warnings to Department Supervisors.
Issue suspensions to Department Supervisors.
Fire individual supervisor characters.
Demote Supervisors.
Issue warnings to Department Command members.
Issue suspensions to Department Command members.
Demote Department Command members.
Update department personnel conduct portfolio.
Update supervisor conduct portfolio.
Keep track of Command member conduct.
Remove individuals from the department.