Rules & Regulations
Server rules are in effect at all times. Members are expected to follow these rules. Any violations of these rules will result in disciplinary action, including, but not limited to: warns, kicks, bans, and revocation of membership.
Members must adhere to the EMS Manual and the policies / guidelines outlined within it.
Members may not operate outside of their Scope of Practice.
Members may not utilize any vehicle or faction that is not currently outlined within the vehicle structure.
Members may not use faction vehicles for their own personal use.
Members may not be intoxicated whilst on-duty.
Corruption roleplay, in any capacity, must be authorized by FD Command Staff prior to it taking place.
Personnel shall not don external body armor unless staged on the scene of a priority where their life could be at risk if it was discarded.
Personnel shall wear the appropriate uniform for the respective faction they are playing as.
Personnel shall not carry firearms on them whilst on-duty.
Personnel shall not assign themselves to calls for service where there is a high probability that it is not secure. LEO shall attend first and request RA if required. Staging is permissible, but shall be done at a distance where the EMT is not any immediate or future danger.
Personnel shall provide their three digit server membership identifier in place of a badge number if requested.
RTO should be in effect at all times unless otherwise stated by a senior member of the Fire Department. It is never permissible to abuse or misuse the frequency.
103.31 CHANNELS.
FIRE / EMS FREQUENCY - Primary fire and medical services radio frequency.
FIRE MUTUAL AID TACTICAL CHANNEL - Channel for coordinating with other departments on large scenes.
Units shall primarily use FIRE FREQUENCY for standard patrol activities.
In the event of a mutual aid call, such as Search and Rescue, units may coordinate with LEO and utilise FIRE MUTUAL AID TACTICAL CHANNEL until the situation is resolved.
Once off-duty personnel may not utilize faction issued uniforms, vehicles or equipment.
Personnel may not respond to calls for service, but may assist if present and the offer is communicated to the on-duty personnel and agreed upon.
Personnel may only utilize the faction and apparatus reflected in the vehicle structure and jurisdiction within the Area of Play.
Personnel shall not utilize emergency lighting system or sirens for any call for service that is not considered urgent, either in response to the call or during transport from the scene after the patient has been stabilized and is non-critical.
Personnel, in response to an urgent call for service, shall follow traffic laws to the best of their ability with their emergency lighting system activated. They may exceed posted speed limits, but not to the point where it may endanger the lives of others. Furthermore, personnel shall always slow for intersections and clear them, as well as limit their usage of airhorns and sirens during twilight hours or light traffic conditions where feasible.
All personnel shall abide by the regulations outlined within this section, unless exempted by the Fire Department Command staff, for reasons which include, but are not limited to: religious reasons, medical reasons, or else outlined within the manual.
Tattoos on the head, neck or hands are not permitted.
Tattoos that would indicate that the employee has an association with any person, group or organization that is involved in (or perceived to be involved in) activity that is incompatible with medical care, including illegal gangs, criminal behavior, or discrimination are not permitted.
Tattoos that a reasonable person would consider offensive are not permitted.
Tattoos on the arms and legs do not need to be covered if they are otherwise permitted under this policy.
Hairstyles of all employees shall be neat in appearance.
Color shall be limited to naturally occurring shades
Dyed hair is permitted provided the dye is of a naturally occurring shade(s).
Male personnel shall keep their hair neat, clean and properly trimmed. The hair shall be moderately tapered, shall not extend below the top of the collar, nor cover any portion of the ear.
Female personnel shall keep their hair in a conservative, neat, contemporary fashion. On-duty uniformed female sworn personnel whose hair falls below the shoulder line shall secure their hair up, off the collar, in a single pony tail or a bun.
Hairstyles shall not interfere with the proper wearing of the uniform headgear, nor shall it interfere with the vision in any way.
Facial hair shall be short, neat, clean and properly trimmed.
Male personnel shall not wear any piercings unless authorized for their assignment.
Female personnel may wear one pair of earrings that are conservative and business-like in appearance that do not interfere with job duties.
All personnel may not have any form of body modification unless for standard cosmetic or medical reasons.
Wrist watches shall not be overtly flamboyant in appearance.
Wedding ring, or other ring of tasteful design may be worn.
No outward facing neck jewelery is permitted.
Vision-correcting eyeglasses are permitted provided they are in a conservative, professional appearance and neutrally-colored.
Sunglasses are permitted provided they are not overtly flamboyant in appearance.
Female personnel are permitted to wear mascara, eye shadow, lipstick and makeup, as long as it is professional and conservative in style and appearance.
Female personnel may wear solid colour nail polish.
Regard will be given to cultural and/or religious issues where appropriate.
Personnel performing covert duties may be exempted from parts of this policy with consent from a relevant FD Command member.
Personnel may request an exemption from the established uniform and grooming standards when a need exists due to a sincerely-held religious belief and/or practice, and such exemption does not prevent personnel from fulfilling all of their regularly assigned job duties, such as relaxed facial hair and hair policy, or religious or cultural garb, e.g. dastār or hijab. Such clothing articles shall be in color approximately matching the uniform.
Personnel are strictly forbidden from using faction branded social media accounts in any capacity.
Personnel may post on their own social media accounts in uniform, as long as the content is tasteful and will not damage the reputation of the faction.