Command & Keybinds
/onduty ems <department> <callsign>
Allows you to head on-duty in-game. Once on-duty you will receive 911 calls, as well as be able to use the /radio command. You will also be given a standard patrol loadout.
<department> is where you should enter the abbreviation for the department you are heading on-duty as:
"sams" - San Andreas Medical Services
"fl" - FlatLine Medical Transport
"ac" - AmeriCharge Ambulance Service
"gb" - GoldBeach Ambulance Service
"mg" - McGroan Ambulance Service
"ulsaems" - ULSA EMS Service
"ift" - Inter-Facility Transport
<callsign> is where you enter your specific callsign. For the format, refer to section 201.2 of the Private EMS Manual.
/setRadioAgency EMS
Allows you to utilize the in-game radio.
SCN First-Time Setup
Go into GTA SETTINGS > KEYBINDS > FIVEM and do the following:
UNBIND the radio emergency (should be F6 by default).
Bind the SCN push to talk to your preferred key (should be F3 by default).
There are secondary binds like volume and such, but that is completely optional and up to your preference.
Go into GTA SETTINGS > KEYBINDS > GTA ONLINE and do the following:
Bind your radio push to talk keybind to your SECONDARY voice chat keybind. If you do not, you will be breaching the server rules.
The MDT can be opened by pressing the 'O' (Oscar) key and navigated using the arrow keys and enter key.
/cl /clear
Sets the MDT status to CLEAR
Sets the MDT status to BUSY
/ua /unavailable
Sets the MDT status to UNAVAILABLE
/c6 /code6 /codesix
Sets the MDT status to CODE SIX
/drag <ID>
Used to drag someone. If they are the closest person to you, you can also just do "/drag". To release them, repeat the command.
/carry <ID>
Used to carry someone. If they are the closest person to you, you can also just do "/carry". To release them, repeat the command
/hospital <ID> <seconds>
Used to hospitalize somebody. Subjects should be transported to the hospital prior to use.
/coroner <ID> <seconds>
Similar to the hospital command, this should only be used in the event the subject is pronounced DOA and no coroner is available. If LEO are on scene, they will issue the command in their own time, allowing you to leave the scene.
Brings up the prop menu, allowing you to place cones, medical bags, AEDs, etc on a scene.
Brings up the Traffic Menu. This allows you to create speed zones, and to edit vehicle nodes to create detours for AI traffic.
Opens the side door on certain ambulances.
/door 1
Opens the specific door. [1] Front Left | [2] Front Right | [3] Back Left | [4] Back Right]
Opens the emote menu, allowing you to pose in specific ways or use shared emotes to enhance a scene.