902: Unit Identifiers
902.1 Unit Identifiers
Task Force - TF (Station number, Example: TF32)
Light Force - LF (Station number, Example: LF32)
Engine - E (Station number, Example: E32)
Truck(Ladder/tiller) - T (Station number, Example: T32)
Quint(ladder/tiller) - Q (Station number, Example: Q87)
Rescue Ambulance - RA (Station number, Example for ALS and BLS(LSFD): RA32/RA832, may also use Rescue instead of RA)
NOTE: MCFD "rescues" are paramedic and technical rescue response vehicles and cannot transport patients.
Urban Search and Rescue truck - USaR (Station number, Example: USaR32)
Hazmat Squad - Squad (Station number, Example: Squad69/SQ69 ) or also known as HazMat (LSCoFD, BCFD, MCFD)
NOTE: LSCoFD and BCFD ''squads'' are paramedic response vehicles not Hazmat and should respond to medical emergencies and rescues.
Swift Water Rescue - Swift Water/SW (Station number, Example: SW10)
Boats - Boat (Boat #) (Port of Los Santos, Vespucci Marina)
Heavy Rescue - HR (apparatus number)
Fast Response - FR (Station number, Example: FR32)
Helicopters - FIRE (#), Copter (#) - LSCoFD, Helitack (#) - SanFire
Utilities (Plug Buggies) - PB (Station number, Example PB32)