302 : Fire Department Involved Accidents
When a fire department vehicle is involved in a motor vehicle collision, The following is to be taken into consideration:
All accidents must be played out except for accidents caused by AI pathing (running into parked apparatus) or accidents in which the AI leaves the scene (is unhurt)
Accidents caused by individual error, or sudden uncharacteristic AI behavior (eg driving into your lane) are to be counted regardless
If no other emergency services are available, play the accident out with /gme (eg fire department extricates the driver, EMS takes them to the hospital)
Accidents are to be investigated by the local police agency, their traffic unit, and the battalion chief for your area.
Upon the discovery or report of an FD-involved accident, the nearest available Lightforce and two RAs minimum will be dispatched to the scene.
Apparatus will be removed from the scene and transported by a transport unit.