1103: Assistant Fire Chief
1103.1 - Assistant Fire Chief
Assistant fire chiefs manage and control the activities of members assigned under their respective bureaus or division. They are considered as part of Department Command Staff. Assistant Fire Chief is a position that is appointed by the Fire Chief.Â
Responsibilities include:
Responding to emergencies as dispatched and assuming command on the scene as the first Assistant Chief until relieved.
Implementation of Bureau programs and policies.
Ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of companies within their commands.
Evaluating alarm assignments and hydrant distribution.
Managing the fire prevention and pre-fire planning inspections on assigned stations to assure enforcement of the Fire Code.
Supervising community and public relations activities.
Supervising the EMS District Captains within their Division.
Supervise the Battalion Chiefs within their Division.
Manage logistics within a Division or Bureau, including coordination with Supply and Maintenance Division.
Act as a sitting member of Professional Standards Internal Investigations Unit.
Assist with creating new policies for the department.
Investigate reports against department supervisors.
Investigate incidents involving department supervisors where injury, death, or property damage has occured.
Administer low-level supervisor conduct.
Liaison with command teams from other public services.
Staff capabilities:
Issue warnings.
Issue suspensions.
Fire individual characters.
Issue warnings to Department Supervisors.
Update department personnel conduct portfolio.
Update supervisor conduct portfolio.