108: Important Commands


/onduty [department] (unit designation)
Your unit designation should align with the apparatus you are operating. For multiple apparatus or designations the callsign should be separated by a /. This command will give you various firefighting tools, however they will disappear if you choose another ped.

/setRadioAgency FIRE
Allows you to utilize the in-game radio.

SCN First-Time Setup


/prop - allows you to spawn in various useful props like a tent, a table, a medical bag, etc

/emotes - list of various emotes that can be used. Some of them are EMS related.

F6 - This opens the traffic management menu, where you can put down speed zones, secure zones (no peds or vehicles) and disable traffic nodes (change the flow of traffic). This will normally be handled by LEO but you can also use this if you want to adjust how traffic is flowing on a scene.

/hose - activates the hose

/hospital [id] (time) - sends the patient directly to either Sandy Shores medical, Paleto Bay Care, or Pillbox Medical Center. Should only be used if you have to county transport someone.

/coroner [id] (time) - sends the patient to the LS County morgue. Should only be used if Law Enforcement is not present to send the patient (now cadaver) to the coroner. 

/attach - this allows you to attach vehicles to one another. This is particularly useful for fleet services RP (putting vehicles on trailers) and for setting up jetski or boat trailers.

/pass - This will activate the PASS alert system; this should only be actively used when wearing a Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)