104: Department Standards
All personnel must be professional at all times.
All personnel are expected to be compassionate and caring towards all patients.
All apparatus are expected to be fueled and stocked.
All apparatus are expected to be in working condition.
All personnel must adhere to City, State, and Federal laws.
All personnel must strive to protect people and then property.
All patients are expected to be treated equally regardless of occupation, standing, or status.
All personnel are expected to adhere to the standards set forth within the department SOPs and this website.
104.3.1 Hair
Hair will be in accordance with the following criteria:
• Neat, clean, trimmed, and present a groomed appearance.
• Worn so that it does not extend below the bottom of the uniform shirt collar when the individual is standing upright.
• Above the bottom of the ears, and no more than a finger's length over-front of the ears (if combed over the ears).
• No lower on the forehead than the eyebrows, measured from the high point of the eyebrows, if styled or combed forward.
• Permitted to be in moderate natural style if it qualifies within the limits described; however, the maximum extension from the scalp shall not exceed one-half fingerlengths.
• Worn so it does not interfere with the proper wearing and performance of the approved department safety helmet or the proper sealing of the face mask of the self-contained breathing apparatus.
• Displaying bright or unnatural colors. Exemptions can be made for cases that are deemed acceptable by a department’s standards or given circumstances approved by Command Staff.
104.3.2 Facial Hair
Facial Hair will be in accordance with the following criteria:
• Non-Frontline Personnel may have relaxed facial hair standards, which MUST be kept short and professional. Frontline personnel are defined as: personnel required to go into areas of danger that require Personal Protective Equipment.
• Unkempt, scraggy or protruding beards; are not permitted unless explicitly permitted by Command Staff of an agency, which must provide a legitimate reasoning to as why the exemption was made.
• Sideburns will not extend below the bottom of the earlobe and will end with a clean-shaven horizontal line.
• Mustaches will not extend below the bottom of the upper lip, and cannot go over the top lip near the mouth.
• Sideburns or mustaches that interfere with the proper sealing of selfcontained breathing apparatus face masks are not permitted.
104.3.3 Earrings
Optional earrings may only be worn with the Class A-dress uniform and must conform to the following standards:
• Metallic Only
• Button or studs only - no larger than the size of a dime in diameter.
• No drop, hanging, or dangle earrings or charms are authorized.
104.3.3 Miscellaneous
Covers; Makeup, Contacts, Tattoos
• Tattoos cannot be on the following; hands, face, or neck.
• Makeup cannot be excessive or bright colors.
• Contacts, Lenses, films or other paraphernalia that displays an unnatural or artificial coloring that overlaps a members eye color or vision; is deemed prohibited unless written by a medical physician or other excused written reason.