Los Santos Fire Department - Public Service Announcement


The Los Santos Fire Department hosted a recruitment drive today in an effort to expose members of the public to the fire service. Several pieces of apparatus was out in Vespucci Beach giving information about application questions or the general service history of our department. During the event, Engine 42, Rescue 42, Medcart 1, Support Utility 2, and EM2 was given a public appearance for the event and were used all throughout the event, which ended two hours later at 15:30.

Several people inquired about applications and career opportunities with benefits provided by the LSFD Civic Unions within the department provided by civilian liaisons. Members of the Arson Squad were also in attendance to provide several key aspects of fire prevention and safety. A short time later, around 15:30- An announcement for the death of Police Officer II John Woodhouse was confirmed by local park authorities, and a public address was played throughout the Vespucci Beach PA system. A short suspension of operations ensued and a moment of silence was given at the time of the announcement. Out of courtesy and respect, the department suspended the event after this announcement was given.

A local picture taken by a citizen.

Salute of the flag, after the news of Police Officer II John Woodhouse's death.

Picture of the Recruiting Event (1)

Picture of the Recruiting Event (2)

Have any questions?

Contact us at:

Lifeinvader: @LSFD, @LSFD_PIO


LSFD Community Liason's Office:  856-210-8843