Los Santos Fire Department - Public Information Release - Line of Duty Death [02/20/2023]

At approximately 4:00 PM on Tuesday, February the 20th; The City of Los Santos Fire Department received several DACT (Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter) alerts reporting carbon monoxide, large unusual reports of heat and pressure coming from the high-rise commercial structure at the Mile High Club. Several requests of service were hailed to the Metro B.C.C (Bureau of Central Communications, Los Santos) in regards of expeditated technical rescue, and fire suppression. Members from Stations 32, 69, 42, 10, and 115 responded to establish a large-net task force spearheaded by Battalion Chief Nicholas Stetson. A Major Emergency structure fire known informally as the 'Power Street Incident' was declared at 4:23 PM. Members from Station 42 and Station 32 developed primary objectives to remove and evacuate all lower floors and cooperative spaces of the building. The majority of inhabitants were removed, and in such saved countless lives in the process. An Emergency Assessment dictated that the situation was becoming untenable by the second, and the priority switched from transition operations direct to defensive; by removing potential victims that could end in tragedy.

Captain Matthew Casey (43), a twenty-five-year veteran and distinguished member of the Los Santos Fire Department- organized a four-man Rapid Intervention Crew to assess further damages inside the main concourse and evacuate remaining civilians. At this time, a large sectional of the ceiling gave way and pinned the Captain. Shortly after this event, an emergency evacuation order was given to remove all personnel and persons from the danger of potential collapse. The four-man crew attached to the Captain attempted to rescue the captain but showed no success by physical brawn or fortitude of usage of escape tools. The Captain reportedly told the crew to abandon him for better safe-regard for themselves and to instruct a panicked crowd of civilians to safety.  This order of abandonment is not in recognized department policy but an understandable act of valor beyond reasonable courage to one's own regard for life or limb. As per the Captain's order; the crew acknowledged this order under the impression there was still time- which there was not. The building's front complex collapsed shorty ten minutes after the order was given. His body was recovered several hours after the initial cleanup operations with injuries incompatible with life.

He was a resident of Strawberry, Los Santos for seventeen years. After completing the fire academy in 1998; he started his journey In the LSFD, in 2001 Matthew was sent to Liberty City to assist the FDLC in a major emergency incident after a terror attack lead to 2 buildings collapsing. In 2015, Captain Matthew Casey received his Captain I promotion after several years of service. He is survived by his wife Lila Casey and his newborn daughter Christine.

A full investigation into this incident has been authorized by the State Fire Commission, along with the cooperation of the United Firefighters of Los Santos. Any information in regard to the investigation should be relayed to the LSFD Professional Standards Bureau (858-360-0051).

Captain I Matthew Casey

Start of Watch: January 14th, 1998 

End of Watch: January 20th, 2023

Have any questions?

Contact us at:

Lifeinvader: @LSFD, @LSFD_PIO


LSFD Community Liason's Office:  856-210-8843