Blaine County Fire Department - Public Service Announcement


The Blaine County Fire Department requests citizens of both Blaine and surrounding jurisdictions to prepare for the upcoming seasonal change as the potential for wilderness-based fires increases as the temperatures rise. The San Andreas Department of Forestry & Fire Protection (SANFIRE) suggests the potential for a major fire disaster in the countryside of Majestic and Blaine County increases as the humidity and presence of more motor-based caravans encroach on more ruralized communities for means of camping or outdoor-recreational activities. Report any large or out-of-control smoke seen in your community or local vicinity.

Members of the Office of Emergency Services (OES), BCFD- Operate 24/7 in the Chiliad State Wilderness in cooperation with the State Parks Service. If you feel that you are unable to maneuver certain areas or peaks, do not risk your well-being. Contact 911 for assistance.

 If you plan to participate in any similar activities, remember to:

Have any questions?

Contact us at:
Lifeinvader: @BCFD, @BCFD_PIO

BCFD PIO555-940-6283