Blaine County Fire Department - Public Service Announcement
The Blaine County Fire Department requests citizens of both Blaine and surrounding jurisdictions to prepare for the upcoming seasonal change as the potential for wilderness-based fires increases as the temperatures rise. The San Andreas Department of Forestry & Fire Protection (SANFIRE) suggests the potential for a major fire disaster in the countryside of Majestic and Blaine County increases as the humidity and presence of more motor-based caravans encroach on more ruralized communities for means of camping or outdoor-recreational activities. Report any large or out-of-control smoke seen in your community or local vicinity.
Members of the Office of Emergency Services (OES), BCFD- Operate 24/7 in the Chiliad State Wilderness in cooperation with the State Parks Service. If you feel that you are unable to maneuver certain areas or peaks, do not risk your well-being. Contact 911 for assistance.
If you plan to participate in any similar activities, remember to:
Prepare for a potential emergency scenario. Pack first-aid supplies, reliable communication devices, and other emergency-use-only equipment that will assist you in your rural retreat.
Be aware of your surroundings. Extinguish and remove all combustive products when finished (I.E Cigarettes, Butane Stoves, etc.)
Plan your trip before beginning. Locate the nearest rest stops, landmarks, or service stations where available.
Do not go alone at night, always bring at least a partner or friend.
Cooperate with park officials or maintenance crews. Read posted signs and beware of any potential dangers.
Check the Air Quality Index (AQI) before leaving. Adjust outdoor activity according to the index.
Have any questions?
Contact us at:
Lifeinvader: @BCFD, @BCFD_PIO
BCFD PIO: 555-940-6283